Project Discovery Phase

The project discovery phase helps to establish a shared understanding and agreement among stakeholders including the product team customers and stakeholders leading to a smoother and more efficient development process

Why do you need this platform?

Risks of wasting money
Most startups fail due to a market mismatch, thus creating an unnecessary, profitless product.
Financial problems are among the top 3 reasons why startups fail. However, the problem is not lack of money but throwing good money after bad. Skipping the Discovery Phase leads to blurred goals and unproven hypotheses, often requiring extra spending.
Missed market opportunities
Improved Project Planning: Project discovery phase helps inform project planning by providing data-driven insights into user needs and project scope, reducing the risk of project delays or budget overruns.
Better Alignment of Stakeholders: Project discovery phase helps align stakeholders on project goals and objectives, reducing conflicts and misunderstandings during the development process.
Missed market opportunities
Increased User Satisfaction: Project discovery phase helps ensure that products are designed to meet user needs and preferences, leading to increased user satisfaction and loyalty.
Improved Product-Market Fit: Project discovery phase helps align product goals with market needs, reducing the risk of building a product that does not meet user needs.
Misaligned expectations
Better Understanding of User Needs: Project discovery phase provides an in-depth understanding of user needs, which informs product design and development, improving the overall user experience.
Better Collaboration: Project discovery phase facilitates collaboration between design, development, and product teams, improving the overall quality of the final product.

Why do you need this platform?

Why do you need Webflow?

Corporate Landing Websites
Optimize your corporate online presence and make effective representation of your corporate identity. Create content that resonates with your target audience.
SME Services Websites
Webflow empowers you to design functional websites that showcase your offerings with elegance.
Bring your stories to life with stunning visuals and an intuitive user experience. Create dynamic and engaging online presence.
Transform your online business and seamlessly blend visual design with functionality to create high-performing online stores.
MVP Stage Websites
Launch your MVP product with confidence. Rapidly prototype, iterate and accelerate your journey from concept to market.



Problem Statement
A clear and concise statement that defines the problem that the project is trying to solve, including the business objectives, user needs, and constraints.
User Research
A summary of the user research conducted, including insights into the target audience, their needs, behaviors, and motivations.
Project Roadmap
A high-level plan that outlines the steps, deliverables, and timeline for the project, including key milestones, dependencies, and risks. This roadmap serves as a starting point for the project and can be refined as the project progresses.



Team work on tasks

A comprehensive report that summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of the current user interface, including insights into user behavior, pain points, and areas for improvement. The report provides recommendations for enhancing the user interface and achieving business goals.

developer create some webflow site

Effortlessly construct the PC version of your website with Webflow. Streamline the design and development process, ensuring a seamless and responsive experience for users on desktop platforms.

Man work on task at laptop

Easely program dynamic animations that enhance user engagement and visual appeal. Webflow will help you to bring your website to life through smooth, customized animations that leave a lasting impression.

open laptop with work process

Ensure your website's adaptability across all devices with Webflow's responsive design capabilities. Effortlessly tailor your site for optimal viewing on mobile and tablet devices, providing users with a seamless and engaging experience regardless of the screen size.

developer work on imac and write a code

Streamline the testing process with Webflow tools, allowing for comprehensive evaluations of updates and changes. Execute thorough quality assurance and regression testing to ensure your website's performance.

work process, designer at work

Achieve a polished and refined finish for your website with Webflow's final polishing features. Streamline the last touches, ensuring a visually appealing and professional presentation. Deliver a website that meets your standards and leaves a lasting impression.

Technology stack

Our project managers use various tools to ensure successful working on the project, meeting deadlines, and maintaining high-quality communication with the Client.

We emphasize planning, preparation for each stage of the design process, and constant work on improving our project management style.

Google Cloud
Adobe XD
Schedule your free consultation with ANODA design agency today!

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Business values

Improved Understanding of User Needs

The Project Discovery Phase is an opportunity to gather information about the target user, their needs, and the problems they are trying to solve. This improved understanding of user needs can lead to a product that is better aligned with their needs and more likely to be successful in the market.

Increased Collaboration

The Project Discovery Phase brings together stakeholders from different parts of an organization to collaborate and ensure that everyone is aligned on the goals of the project. This increased collaboration can lead to a stronger, more effective product that is better suited to meet the needs of the target audience.

Reduced Risks

By conducting a thorough project discovery phase, potential risks can be identified and mitigated before significant resources are invested in development. This can help to reduce the risks associated with the project and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Better Aligned Project Goals

The Project Discovery Phase sets the foundation for the project by clearly defining the goals, scope, and expectations. This better alignment of project goals can lead to a more streamlined development process and a product that meets the needs of the target audience and meets business goals.

Business values

design process illustration

Smooth work of the website

High quality of construction, everything is working smoothly, no need to carry about anything.

Easy to Maintain

Managing your site is a straightforward process with user-friendly tools and an intuitive interface.

Rapid Creation Process

The platform's intuitive tools and efficient workflow, allowing you to swiftly design and launch your website.

Low Cost

Enjoy the benefits of a high-quality website at a fraction of the cost.

Ability to Fill-in the Content by your Own

Webflow allows marketing teams to seamlessly update and customize content.

The design process is simple. What do you need to get started.


1. Book a call


2. Fill the brief


3. Approve the quote


4. Run!

The design process is simple. What do you need to get started.

1. Book a call
Book a call
2. Fill the brief
Fill the brief
3. Approve the quote
Approve the
4. Run!
Andy Dunn
Founder and CEO of Infinite Touch
Andy Dunn
Founder and CEO of Infinite Touch
Raman Hundal
Growth Lead of Twingate
Kağan Mersin
Expert DevOps/Cloud Engineer of Mercedes-Benz Otomotiv
Tom Cowle
Founding Director of GoodCRM

Got Questions? We've got answers:

How do I get started with your design agency?

Getting started is easy! Simply contact us through our website email to schedule a consultation. We'll discuss your project goals, and provide you with a tailored plan to bring your design vision to life.

Is my project idea confidential when I work with your agency?

Yes, we take client confidentiality seriously. Your project details and ideas are kept confidential, and we are happy to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) if required to ensure your peace of mind.

What services does your design agency offer?

Our design agency offers a wide range of services including graphic design, web design, user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) design, and more. We specialize in creating visually compelling and user-friendly designs.

Can you provide examples of your previous design work?

Certainly! You can view our portfolio here on the website to see a selection of past projects. It showcases our expertise and the diverse range of design work we've completed for clients.

How long does it take to complete a design project?

The timeline for a design project depends on its complexity and size. We work closely with clients to establish project milestones and deadlines. We strive to deliver high-quality designs within agreed-upon timeframes.

What is the design process at your agency like?

Our design process typically includes initial consultation and discovery, concept development, design revisions, client feedback, and final delivery. We emphasize collaboration and communication throughout the process to ensure your vision is realized.